
Activities After Surgery:
1. No strenuous exercise or intercourse for 4-6 weeks
2. You may start walking for exercise on day 1
3. Walking is the best activity following surgery.
4. Fatigue – fatigue is extremely common after surgery and may last many weeks.
5. You may start driving when you are no longer taking narcotic pain medication.
6. Showers only (no baths) for the first 2 weeks.


uterine fibroid:After-Care


Pain/discomfort Management
Painkillers are prescribed by your doctor.

Some cramping and shooting pains are normal, even in areas away from the incisions.The pain can be sharp and can last for a day or two. Sometimes changing position can help, but over time the pain will go away.


Depending on the type of laparoscopic surgery you have, you will have either 2, 3 or 4 small incisions.

It is OK to shower but do not scrub the wounds). You can remove the steri-strips after a week.

Bruising: bruising around the incision(s) is very common, even beyond the surgery area, for a few weeks after surgery.

Lumpy Incisions – the sutures dissolve by themselves and are replaced by collagen scar tissue. Initially, the collagen is thick and may be bumpy. Over the next few months the initial collagen is replaced by a softer type of collagen and the bumps will go away.


Diet And Bowel Issues
1. No dietary restrictions
2. Avoid foods that cause gas such as broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts
3. No alcohol if taking narcotic pain medications
4. Walking helps bowel function
5. Constipation is unusual after laparoscopic surgery.
6. Expect some gas discomfort/pain.
7. Surgery irritates and slows down the intestines and they retain more gas and stool.


1. Some bleeding and/or clumpy discharge is normal for a few weeks.
2. Periods won’t be normal again for 3-4 cycles.